Disinfecting and Antimicrobial Coating Information


hygiene products

If you believe that your facility has been in contact with any virus, there are steps that can be taken to properly contain the spread of germs.


virus prevention

American Janitorial Services utilizes a combination of products to disinfect and Razor technology to protect all surfaces. The use of this combination in your facility can reduce cross contamination.


PPE for cleaners

We provide our on-site personnel with personal protection equipment (PPE) that follows the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines to ensure proper safety.


Additional Services

Along with the Razor technology, American Janitorial Services can provide various other services to help disinfect for viruses:

  • Provide fogging with EPA-registered disinfectant.

  • Provide additional sanitary supplies and perform additional touch-point and deep cleaning services.

  • Provide a virus response team dedicated to providing touch-point sanitation and disinfection at your facilities, providing more peace of mind.